The EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement

The CARIFORUM-EU EPA make it easier for people and businesses from the two regions to invest in and trade with each other, and to spur development across the Caribbean. Learn how the EU’s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) with 14 Caribbean states benefits your trade.

At a glance

The CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement was signed in October 2008. It is not just a trade in goods agreement; it includes commitments on trade in services, investment, trade-related issues such as competition policy, government procurement, intellectual property rights, as well as sustainable development aspects. The agreement:

The Agreement also includes a separate Protocol on Cultural Cooperation, which aims to improve the conditions governing the exchange of cultural activities, goods and services between CARIFORUM countries and the EU. The CARIFORUM-EU EPA is the first trade agreement in which the EU specifically included comprehensive provisions on culture.

Benefiting countries

Overall, 14 CARIFORUM countries are implementing the CARIFORUM –EU EPAs: