Category: Improv Games and Warmups

Starting out as an improv beginner can be intimidating. I remember walking into my first improv open play and wondering if I'd be able to keep up. or make a total fool of myself. But the.

Justification can be a really important part of any improv scene, especially when a character's choice veers into unusual or absurd territory. In improv, justification allows you to ground that.

There are so many great improv exercises for two people. You don't need a big group to practice or perform improv (as evidenced by the amazing improv duos out there). However, when I looked.

I've often found myself wishing I could do more improv than I have time for, looking for ways to practice improv alone in between classes and rehearsals. Sometimes you can't meet with others in.

Improv name games are a great way to quickly get to know fellow improvisers, so you can feel more comfortable jumping into scene work together. I had a hard time finding a comprehensive list of.

About This Site

I created this site as an online improv resource for improvisers of all levels, to fill in the gaps between classes, coaching sessions, and workshops. Join me on my journey to continually learn more about improv!

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