ISTG 2021: New regulation on online gambling in Germany will enter into force July 2021

In March 2020, the German federal states agreed on a new German Interstate Treaty on Gambling (ISTG 2021) from July 1, 2021 onwards. The ISTG 2021 still needs to be ratified by the individual federal state parliaments.


The current Interstate Treaty on Gambling that regulates German gambling law will expire on 30 June 2021. For a long time it was not clear whether the German federal states would be able to agree on a new unified regulation. An earlier attempt had already failed in the past. The reason for the disagreement was in particular whether the online gambling market should be liberalised. While some federal states strongly advocated the introduction of a licensing procedure for online casino and poker, others wanted to retain the online ban. Thus, the ISTG 2021 represents a compromise. Although it provides for licenses for almost all forms of online gaming, the licensing conditions will be all the more stringent. They even go beyond the current requirements for sports betting licenses.

New regulations

The ISTG 2021 envisages fundamental changes to Geman online gambling law: The most significant amendment includes the lift of the online ban for online poker and online slot machines (and to some extent online casino). The following overview shows the requirements that will likely affect online gambling operators the most:

Scope of the online gambling licenses

Requirements for online gambling licenses

The requirements for obtaining a license to offer online sports betting, virtual slot machines and online poker are very similar and only vary in details. The common requirements particularly contain the following:

Special requirements for virtual slot machines

In addition to the general requirements, the ISTG 2021 provides additional requirements for virtual slot machines:

Special requirements for online sports betting

It is positive to note that regarding sports betting, bets will be allowed on the outcome of a game as well as on events during the game, or a combination of both. Further, live bets will be allowed under specific requirements. In addition, online sports betting licenses granted before July 1, 2021, will remain effective until December 31, 2022. However, a German court suspended the current licensing procedure in April 2020.

Special conditions for online casino

The ISTG 2021 defines online casino games (in contrast to virtual slot machines) as virtual simulations of casino games and live broadcasts of terrestrial casino games with the possibility of participation via the internet (e.g. roulette, black jack). The law itself does not regulate licenses for online casino games. However, the German federal states can provide for respective regulations in their individual local laws. It is expected that online casino licenses will be available but subject to the specifications for a license to operate an offline casino. This particularly includes a restriction on the number of licenses. The ISTG 2021 stipulates that the competent authority may not issue more online casino licenses than licenses available for landbased casinos.