Health Professionals Assistance Program

The Board of Nursing's Health Professionals Assistance Program (HPAP) is designed for licensed nurses and nursing students who need case management and monitoring when they are unable to practice with reasonable skill or safety, or whose practice poses a risk to the public, when the nurse's mental health or substance use related issue or disorder is not appropriately managed. Since 1996, HPAP has helped hundreds of South Dakota nurses with recovery and safe return to practice.

The Board contracts with Midwest Health Management Services (MWHMS) to conduct HPAP. MWHMS is staffed by licensed mental health professionals who will evaluate, consult, coordinate care, and support a nurse's ongoing recovery management to promote successful outcomes. Contact Information

Eligibility to Participate

Any nurse who holds a SD nursing license, has applied for licensure, or is a student enrolled in a SD nursing program, may apply to participate in the program.

Enrollment Options